Meenal Patel

“The power is in your hands to create your desires.  Let me help you see your own power.”


Meenal Patel
Certified Master Hypnotist
Certified in Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT)
Reiki level II
MA in Microbiology
AHA Member

Meenal Patel CHt, QHHT practitioner, Reiki Level II, EFT-ADV, MA is a Microbiologist with 14 years of experience in drug discovery and therapeutics. She went into biology with the intention to help people live a better life. She found that scientific discovery only improved the quantity, length of people’s lives, but not necessarily the quality and happiness in life. The search to increase the quality, the joy in peoples’ lives, led her to hypnotherapy. Meenal received a certification in hypnotherapy upon completion of education from HMI, a nationally accredited hypnosis training college.  She also acquired a further certification in quantum healing hypnosis technique QHHT.

She believes thought and emotions are the most basic creative forces. It creates the world around you. If they are not used in a healthy way, it can lead to negative experience and can block you from reaching the goals you put forward in life, leading to ill health. Hypnosis works with the thoughts and emotions blocked in your subconscious mind which are only accessed during sleep or in a state of hypnosis. Meenal uses her hypnosis experience to help you collect your thoughts and emotions and redirect them in a positive way to help you achieve your desired results. She also works on taking you from negative thought patterns to positive thought patterns to a point of transmuting thought on a journey to inner peace. Along with her hypnotherapy sessions, she uses Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to clear the mental-emotional blockages as well as energetic blocks that no longer serve you.  Meenal has studies shamanism and experienced its true gifts and insights.  It has been a vital part of her personal growth and journey.  She has become more connected to herself and the world around her.  She uses her experience in shamanism and psychic abilities from her mentors, and other spiritual leaders to enhance each session with a personal intuitive approach. Also, she continues her own spiritual journey to bring only the purest healing for you. She has special certifications in quantum healing hypnosis technique QHHT, hypnosis for weight management, pain management, immune disorders, ADD, hand writing analysis, and past life regressions. Above all, the main motivation for Meenal is to make lasting positive effects in your life because she believes that one healthy happy person touches many lives positively.